Hello!  I am Debbie Woodbury ~ Owner and Practitioner of “SPIRIT’s LOVE ~ Natural Healing and Wellness, LLC”. In sharing about “Me” from childhood to present day . . . I find myself being guided by my “Own Inner Rhythm”, feeling unique, and ”Not Quite Fitting In with Life’s Boxes or Limitations”.  I always loved glitter or anything that sparkles, as it reminds me of the “Light”, as well as anything “Magical” as it connects me to “Creation”, and my “Inner Child”.  (See UNICORN LEGEND).  I have “Deep Love” for people, animals, nature, and everything my Life has experienced – bringing me to “Awareness” of  “Who I Really Am” ~ (preferring positive experiences over the negatives), and “Knowledge of Learning” along the way.  I Love jewelry and crystals, as it connects me into Earth, our core crystal, as nature shares its many Gifts and Treasures.  I wear and Love bright colors, as they are “Fun” and simply make me “Feel Alive”!  My Love for dancing follows through with my Own Inner Rhythm, as I feel there is always time to “Dance”, and “Feel the Joys in Life and Vibrations of the Music”.  When writing, words seem to just flow with effortless ideas, thoughts, or information.  Sometimes, I wonder where it comes from as it just channels through.  As a child, I often felt things, feelings, or energies I didn’t understand; which was confusing, and was “Afraid of the Dark” when going to sleep. When family or friends passed on from this human form, more often than not, they would visit me in my dream state to share messages, or just let me know they crossed over peacefully as I saw their presence with “Beaming Bright Light”.   As I grew older, I realized myself to be “Out of the Norm, or Out of the Box”, as my thoughts and I were seeking to be understood, along with endless questions that were and still are stirring from “The Deepness in My Heart and Soul”, an article written by me when I was 18.  (See ARTICLES & POEMS). The first “Spiritual Awakening” that got my “Attention” was triggered by an anxiety attack when I was 25, as the Higher Realms of Consciousness were trying to communicate with me. The second, was when my 25-year old, long-life best friend had a tragic death . . . (coincidence?) . . . she still visits my dream state to this day as one of my guides. Those two things pushed my “Internal Drive to Search for Answers to Many Questions”, as I was certainly “On My Mission Seeking TRUTH”.  Continual research came in many forms, and on many levels.  I went to therapy and psychics searching answers.  I read and own a library of books, searched the Internet, attended numerous seminars – lectures – group teachings – trainings – certifications, watched amazing spiritual videos – movies, and listened to several audios and meditations.  This was and is “My Journey in Search of Knowledge by Decoding My Inner Being to the Divine Connection” to it all.  I was (and still am) collecting “Life Pieces to My Life Puzzle”.  It really never ends . . . infinity . . . of how everything connects, interconnects, and builds from previous situations – (past, present, future) experiences, people, places, things, and events . . .  to bring us to our next . . . “Divine Timing and Synchronicities”.   By experiencing these things, it has “Unlocked Important Facts of Transforming My Consciousness, and Truly Understanding a Deeper Realization of Self”.  So, I “Now Understand Why My Life Unfolded the Way It Did”, as “Life is Our Greatest Teacher, and We are the Main Character in our Own Life Movie”.  If we really “Listen”, and pay close “Attention” to the “Signs the Universe, Nature, and our Personal Guides” are sending us, our process truly “Unfolds”.  “I AM Extremely Thankful for My Journey”, and all the answers I’ve collected in discovering “ME” from “The Deepness of My Heart and Soul”.  (See ARTICLES & POEMS). This brings me to ”NOW” ~ where I’ve learned “My Life’s Mission and Purpose is to Facilitate in the Process of Empowering and Helping Others Heal, Who Are Ready to Take Their Personal Heart’s Journey by Understanding Their Own Process, and Searching for Their Own Answers to their Own Questions in the Discovery of Mastering Their Emotional and Inner Self.  (Everyone’s “TRUTH” is Unique and has a Different Path, but they are always Guided by Their Soul and Deeply Felt in Their Heart . . . Every Day of Their Life)”.  (I was also “Gifted” by a message when I was in deep meditation with an Andara Crystal ~ which vibrates at PURE LOVE ~ that “I AM a Multi-Dimensional Healer Bridging the Worlds, and I AM a Key Holder of One of the Keys . . . HEALING”).  So, now doing “Reflection” in my life, it all makes “Perfect Sense”. “I AM Honored to Assist You in Your Heart’s Path Taking Its Flight Towards Your Personal Freedom with Natural Healing and Wellness”!  ~ Debbie ~

“Be Patient Towards all that is Unsolved in Your Heart, and Try to Love the Questions Themselves.  Do not Seek Answers, which Cannot Be Given ~ because You Would Not be Able to Live Them.  The Point is to:   LIVE EVERYTHING . . .  LIVE the QUESTIONS”!  – Rainer Marie Rilke –


  • Spiritual, Metaphysical, Wellness Research and Study, continual – since 6/1982
  • Multi-Modalities Natural and Energy Alternative Healing Therapies-Techniques, continual – since 6/1982
  • Spirit Transition Therapy, Certificate 1/2000
  • Ordained Minister, Ordination Certificate 1/2001

(Priesthood Order of  Melchizedek) ~ MISSION:  Deep Commitment to Serve Creator and Help Humanity.  Teach ~ Heal the Human Condition and Earth. For More Info.:  http://www.sanctuaryofthebeloved.com

  • Reiki Master Teacher, Certificate 2/2001
  • Cranial Sacral Therapy, Certificate 3/2001
  • Amethyst BioMat Therapy, since 10/2010
  1. FDA Approved Class II Medical Device, State-of-the-Art Light Technology
  2. Tri-Synergy System of Nature’s Invisible Light ~ (Infrared Rays)
  3. Nature’s Energizer ~ (Negative Ions)
  4. Nature’s Healing Superconductor ~ (Amethyst Crystals)
  5. For More Info. on BioMat’s Health and Wellness Benefits:  http://www.universalbiomat.com ~ http://www.biomatpets.com
  6.  (BioMat Distributor Disclaimer:  This information is not intended to cure, diagnose or treat medical conditions, nor is it a substitute for the product User’s Guide.  Please consult with a Physician before beginning this or any other new health care program.  Any information with regard to personal testimonies about Richway International’s products does not reflect or represent RichWay International’s product claims.  These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.)
  7. Authorized RichWay Distributor and Practitioner ~ Information under:  “CONTACTS” > USA Distributor Near You > Massachusetts > Ludlow
  • Member of  Alternative Therapy Professional Association ~  Alternative Balance LLC Group, since 6/2011
  • Member of Health Freedom of Massachusetts, since 6/2011
  • Baystate Health Hospice Volunteer, Certificate 10/2012
  • Owner of Multiple Pets, Lifetime
  • (Business) ~ Corporate  Administration – Management Experience, since 5/1976
  • (Business) ~ Notary Public for Massachusetts, since 2/2005
  • (Business) ~ Town of Ludlow Precinct Member, (3-year term) – since 4/2012

"Love is Patient"

